Course Syllabus
Section 1 : Introductions to Ansible
1.1 What is Ansible?
1.2 Why we Need Ansible?
1.3 How Ansible Work?
1.4 Ansible Architecture
1.5 Advantages of Ansible
Section 2 : Configuring Ansible
2.1 Install Ansible
2.2 Explaining about Master-Slave Config
2.3 Setting up slave nodes
Section 3 : Ad-Hoc Commands
3.1 What are ad-hoc command?
3.2 Diffrent Ad-Hoc Commands of Ansible
3.3 Ad-Hoc commands Usage
Section 4 : Configuring Ansible & Inventory Files
4.1 Ansible default Config file and it's importance
4.2 What is Inventory file?
4.3 Ansible default inventory file
4.4 Statics Inventory
4.5 Dynamic Inventory
Section 5 : Understand YAML
5.1 What is YAML?
5.2 The structure of a YAML file
5.3 The importance of indentation and spaces
5.4 Data Types
Section 6: Playbooks
6.1 Introduction to Ansible Playbooks
6.2 Playbook Structure Explained
6.3 Writing first Ansible Playbook
6.4 Different examples of playbooks
Section 7 : Roles
7.1 What is Role?
7.2 Why we need Roles
7.3 Creating New Roles
7.4 Utilizing Roles in Playbooks
Section 8 : Loops,Conditions & Vars
8.1 How we can use loops in ansible
8.2 Conditions in ansible
8.3 Introduction to ansible variables
8.4 How to use variables in ansible
Section 9 : Ansible Vault
9.1 What is ansible vault
9.2 Encrypting files with ansible vault
9.3 Editing Encrypted file with ansible vault
Section 10 : Ansible Galaxy
10.1 What is ansible galaxy
10.2 how to use galaxy roles
Section 11 : Ansible Tower
11.1 Introduction to Ansible Tower
11.2 Hands-on Ansible tower setup
11.3 Linux server configuration using Ansible Tower
Section 11 : Real-Time Project configuration
12.1 Configuring NodeJS Environment for React,Angular and Nodejs applications
12.2 Configuring Ubuntu server
12.3 Ansible for Linux server patch and application managment
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